Webinar XXV – Tomorrow’s Home 2050

Webinar XXV – Tomorrow’s Home 2050

Marilyn Aviles. Research and Development Manager from UCL’s Institute of Healthcare Engineering kindly gave us a preview of their Tomorrow’s Home 2050 programme on 8th September at 10:00 am. Marilyn is the Project Manager.

The first half of her presentation was explaining how UCL’s healthcare engineering work is organised, helping member to understand how they can best get involved with UCL. This provided the context in which the Tomorrow’s Home project sits.

In the second half, she explained how the project is being built, and stressed that the conceptual designer, The Liminal Space, is still consulting on possible scenarios so members who have ideas and suggestions are most welcome to contribute them. The presentation will be accessible here when I receive it.

The exhibition of the concepts will be at the Museum of the Home, 136 Kingsland Road, London E2 8EA, from mid November at least until just before Christmas, maybe beyond. Members will be encouraged to visit by a wide range of activities planned there during that time.

I’d add that the team involved in developing the concept took long holidays and so coordinating the webinar proved very challenging – Marilyn’s offer to break her holiday to present to us was especially appreciated.

The recording of the event is here.