This webinar revisited the issue of how best to promote technology to carers in the light of the pandemic.
DHACA and Carers UK worked on this for the DHSC a couple of years back and our subsite giving details of our findings is still regularly visited. We concluded then that this market is at least £1 billion in size – and that was then!
Within the linits of GoToWebinar, we attempted actively to engage members in a round table debate on how we can raise awareness of this critical issue. To get the creative juices going we had the following speakers:
Madeleine Starr MBE – Director of Business Development and Innovation at Carers UK
Janet Seward FCIM – Programme Manager, DLF (Shaw Trust)
Stuart Butterfield – CEO Canary Care
Charles Lowe – CEO, DHACA
Lorraine Morley – CEO, Allia
(Presentations are downloadable by clicking on the presenters’ names)
A recording of the event is here. The write-up is here,