Webinar IX – promoting assistive technology to carers June 3rd 10am

Webinar IX – promoting assistive technology to carers June 3rd 10am

This webinar revisited the issue of how best to promote technology to carers in the light of the pandemic.

DHACA and Carers UK worked on this for the DHSC a couple of years back and our subsite giving details of our findings is still regularly visited. We concluded then that this market is at least £1 billion in size – and that was then!

Within the linits of GoToWebinar, we attempted actively to engage members in a round table debate on how we can raise awareness of this critical issue. To get the creative juices going we had the following speakers:

Madeleine Starr MBE – Director of Business Development and Innovation at Carers UK

Janet Seward FCIM – Programme Manager, DLF (Shaw Trust)

Stuart Butterfield – CEO Canary Care

Charles Lowe – CEO, DHACA

Lorraine Morley – CEO, Allia

(Presentations are downloadable by clicking on the presenters’ names)

A recording of the event is here. The write-up is here,